
翻译备考 | 关键词汉译英 | 004 | "追星族"

2017-02-28 王逢鑫 北极光翻译






pursue a star, chase a star, follow around a star, adore a star, idolize a star, star pursuer, star chaser, star fan, star-struck fan, groupie




These youngsters are keen onrunning after a star.


These youngsters are keen onpursuing a star.

to run after sb 有两个意思。一是 to run to try to catch sb, 即“追逐或“追赶”。二是to try to have a romantic relationship with sb,即“追求”.



The policeman was running after athief.

2. 这个男人总爱追求年轻女子。

The man is always running afteryoung women.

"追星”的意思是"极度崇拜、迷恋明星”。英语可以译为to pursue a star, to chase a star, to follow around a star, to adore a star, to idolize a star等。例如:


The obsessed fan has pursued a movie star since he was young.

4. 她去好莱坞追星。

She went off to chase a star in Hollywood.

5. 这个学生花了太多时间狂热追星。结果他耽误了学习。

The student has spent too much time following a star around. As a result, he has neglected his studies.

6. 当你追星时,你可能变得疯狂。

You can be crazy when you adore a star.

7. 数以千计的追星族可以追一个明星,但是到头来他还是一个凡人。

Thousands of star fans may idolize a star, but at the end of the day this person is still a human being.


“追星族"就是“极度崇拜、迷恋明星的人”。英语可以译为star pursuer, star chaser, star fan, star-struck fan, groupie。例如:


8. 她是一个疯狂的追星族。

She is a crazy star pursuer,

9. 这个追星族冲向一个影星,说您能给我签名吗?

The star chaser rushed up to a film star and said, “Can I have your autograph?”

10. 我这辈子一直是个追星族。李小龙、成龙和别的动作影星曾是我的偶像。

I have been a star chaser all my life. Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan and other action movie stars were my idols.

11. 追星族奉明星为偶像。

Star fans worship a star as their idol.

12. 不管你是不是一个追星族,你需要对你自己现实一些。

Regardless of whether or not you are a star fan, you need to be real with yourself.

13. 这个追星族已经等了几个小时来看她最喜爱的影星。

The star-struck fan has waited for hours to see her favorite movie star,

14. 你简直不能想象数以千计的追星族杂乱地拥在一起,为的是看一眼他们的偶像。

You just can’t imagine thousandsof groupies huddled together in total disorder so as to have a look at their idol.

fan 的意思是 a person who admires sb/sth or enjoys watching orlistening

to sb/sth very much,如果迷恋的是事物,相当于汉语的“迷”。例如:

影迷 film fan,movie fan 足球迷 football fan. 如果迷恋的是明星,像star fan或star-struckfan,则相当于汉语的“追星族”。近年来,有人将fans音译为“粉丝”。“追星族”还可以用big fan, enthusiastic fan, keen fan,devoted fan, obsessed fan 等词表示。例如:

15. 这位妇女一直是迈克尔杰克逊的追星族。

This woman has always been a big fan of Michael Jackson.

16. —个过分热情的追星族跳上舞台,试图唱歌。

An overly enthusiastic fan jumped on stage and tried to sing.

17. 我哥哥是曼联队的狂热球迷。

My brother is a keen fan of Manchester United.

18. 这个女孩是麦当娜的忠实粉丝

The girl is a devoted fan of Madonna.

19. 这个痴迷的追星族声称他在过去的三年里一直盯梢这个影星。

The obsessed fan claimed that he had been stalking the film star over a period of three years.


20. 有那么多的追星女郎,到处追逐她们最喜爱的歌手。

There are so many groupies who follow their favorite singers everywhere.

"追星”还有一个意思是_•追逐星体”,多见于科幻片或科幻小说。英语可以译为to chase a star。追逐星体的°追星者”可以译为starchaser。例如:

21. 在这部科幻小说里,这些科学家在宇宙空间探险,追逐星体。

In this science fictionthese scientists go on anadventure through space and chase a star.

22. 我追逐一颗星星,结果却找到了太阳。我追逐月亮,结果却发现黑夜已经过去。

I chased a star but found the suninstead. I chased the moon but found the night had fled.

23. 宇航员作为追星者在宇宙空间飞行,而不是作为站在地球上的观星者。

The astronaut travels through space as a star chaserbut not as a stargazer standing on earth.

24. 正因为星星从最早的时候就一直指引人们,你也可以变成一个追星者,探寻星座。

Just as the stars have guidedpeople since the earliest times, you can also become a star chaser, seeking outconstellations.

"追星”是崇拜明星偶像,尤其是青少年崇拜明星偶像的现象。“青少年追星”可以译为adolescent idol worship。例如:

25. 青少年追星是人类在发展中自然的事情,尤其是在现代。

Adolescent idol worship is a natural thing for human development, particularly in modern times.

26. 如果青少年追星的焦点在一种魅力型的偶像崇拜,就容易产生负面影响;而.如果焦点放在一种成就型的偶像崇拜,就容易产生正面影响。

Adolescent idol worship tends to have negative impact if it focuses on a glamorous mode of idol worship but apositive impact if it focuses on an achievement mode of idol worship.


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